The TGCm Weekly Run Up

March 6, 2024

Welcome back to ThinkGrowCryptoMedia! Your Cardano-biased, news media outlet for your blockchain-knowledge needs.

Today marks the launch of the Edinburgh Decentralization Index (EDI), a groundbreaking tool designed to peel back the layers of blockchain networks and reveal just how decentralized they truly are. It's about understanding the intricate dance of control and decision-making that defines each network.

The EDI team is rolling out the welcome mat for anyone keen to contribute, with a special call to those who can help ensure the tool reflects the real-world intricacies of blockchain actions and their origins.

Kicking off with a deep dive into the decision-making heartbeat of blockchain, the consensus layer, and drawing on data from Bitcoin among others, the EDI is on a mission.

Here’s to paving the way for a future where blockchain is not just a buzzword but a blueprint for a more open, decentralized digital world. Let's embark on this journey together, shaping a future where technology serves us all, more fairly and transparently.

Let’s get into it 👇

 📊 Cardano Ecosystem Stats

🚀 Cardano Headlines

💸 Blockchain Headlines

Everyone! Guess what! BTC made a new all time high! We’re going to the moon now, right?…

Sorry (especially to all the BTC maxis out there), but it looks like everyone will have to just sit tight and exercise some patience.

Still though, what a week! Especially for those dogs (and hats)…

In Other News

📢 Cardano Community Corner

From “brigadiers” to whispers of BTC-DeFi integrations, the Cardano Community never sleeps! Let’s check in on what the talk of the town has been this week.

🖌 NFT of the Week with Noodz 🍜

Each week, we check in with our resident NFT connoisseur, Noodz. Let’s see what he’s got cookin’ for us…

This week’s NFT comes from none other than ThisCrazyLife, who’s genius and nuance continues to bring forth amazing art onto our blockchain.

This time, his Misty Dreams features programmatic art puts various combinations of gradient-textured colors in a way that almost looks as if they’re changing right before your eyes!

And the best part is…you can click the image and it will reset! So you get a practically infinite number of combos as your disposal.

Awesome work as always, ThisCrazyLife. 👏

📢 Cardano Events

💬 Get in Touch

That's all for now!

Feels a bit brief? Don’t worry, we’re right there with ya!

We’re starting off slow, as our first priority is longevity. We’ll be building out our platform over time.

As they say, slow and steady wins the race!

If you have any feedback or questions, please reach out to us by email or by sending us a DM on Twitter.

Thanks for reading!

Please note that the content provided in this newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for guidance before making any significant decisions.