The TGCm Weekly RunUp

November 29, 2023

Welcome back to ThinkGrowCryptoMedia! Your Cardano-biased, news media outlet for your blockchain-knowledge needs.

Let’s get into it 👇

 📊 Cardano Ecosystem Stats

🚀 Cardano Headlines

💸 Blockchain Headlines

It’s no mystery that BTC mining has been centralizing over the years as hash rate has gone up, making it all but impossible for small miners to be profitable.

If you’ve had interactions with BTC Maxis, then you’ve surely heard the argument, “Of course it’s not a threat to the network! Don’t you even know how BTC works?!”…

Well, apparently there are people within the BTC community who are concerned by this trend. Luckily, they’re coming up with some solutions!

Take a look at two of them below:

And more fixes are being worked on as we type. 👌

It’s great to see people coming up with solutions instead of succumbing to tribalism. Stronger together!

In Other News

📢 Cardano Community Corner

From BTC-maxi clashes to a ton of project updates, the Cardano Community never sleeps! Let’s check in on what the talk of the town has been this week.

🖌 NFT of the Week with Noodz 🍜

Each week, we check in with our resident NFT connoisseur, Noodz. Let’s see what he’s got cookin’ for us…

Our NFT this week is the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto, an on-chain piece of writing by Aaron Swartz.

One of the coolest aspects of NFTs is their ability to preserve data (especially one that’s on-chain!). In this way, it’s great to see Cardano being used to store information that generations to come will be able to access.

You can check it out here!

💬 Get in Touch

That's all for now!

Feels a bit brief? Don’t worry, we’re right there with ya!

We’re starting off slow, as our first priority is longevity. We’ll be building out our platform over time.

As they say, slow and steady wins the race!

If you have any feedback or questions, please reach out to us by email or by sending us a DM on Twitter.

Thanks for reading!

Please note that the content provided in this newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for guidance before making any significant decisions.